
Barbara Nass, Picture Book Author
After a career in LANS and WANS, bits and bytes, and developing marketing websites, I took the plunge into retirement and picture book writing. Daunting? Maybe! But if working in technology taught me anything, it was how to embrace change. And so, I journeyed from the ABC’s of html and http, where giants are big data and evil lurks in the dark web. Where Java isn’t a cup of joe. And one phish, two phish is not some red or blue turbot. A journey into pacing, voice and the ‘rule of three’ And learning to write ever so succinctly.
And while writing children’s books may seem like too big of a change, my career roots began in early childhood education with a focus on reading development. And where
I will forever treasure those moments when my students first learned to read.
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY, married and moved to NJ where we raised our son, Michael. Here, we enjoyed hiking New Jersey’s scenic park trails. A woodland habitat that I used as the setting for Fix and Stitch, my debut picture book. And today, I live with my partner Bob in Manalapan, New Jersey.